Canlon Limited
Engineered Solutions for Power Generation, Industrial, Municipal, Aerospace, Defence.


The VMC Group Canada – Korfund Dynamics

The VMC Group is comprised of four leading global brands that together represent the state-of-the-art in shock vibration, seismic and noise control. Together, they have supplied innovative vibration isolation products and solutions to the Industrial, Vehicle, Military and Aerospace markets for over 65 years.


For over 10 decades, VMC Group has been recognized as a world leader in the design and manufacture of vibration isolation, seismic control and shock protection products.

Our comprehensive product and engineering solutions cover a variety of industries – commercial construction, industrial/vehicular, OEM and military/aerospace. Our full range of spring, elastomeric architectural mounts, wire rope isolators, curbs and bases are proven to meet and exceed specifications for any seismic, non-seismic, shock, or even bomb blast application.

VMC Group’s project managers and engineers are best known for working closely with our customers to exceed their expectations in the design, development and manufacturing of solutions for a specific application need. Whether the challenge is to solve a vibration isolation issue for a new piece of equipment or manage a seismic energy spec for a building structure, your VMC team works closely with your project group to engineer solutions to ensure years of superior resilience and isolation integrity.

We call this philosophical approach The Power of Together™, and it defines the partnering relationship you can expect when you work with our firm. We are in it with you. That’s why our company and each of our brands have emerged as and continue to be world leaders.

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The VMC Group Canada – Korfund Dynamics The VMC Group is comprised of four leading global brands that together represent the state-of-the-art in shock vibration,

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